Four Simple Steps To Higher Productivity

» Posted by on Mar 30, 2012 in Sprouting Ideas Blog, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Four Simple Steps To Higher Productivity

If you want to accomplish more without working longer hours, you have to increase your productivity. It’s that simple. Here are four easy steps you can implement immediately:

1. Set clear goals and objectives in writing. That’s right; you need to get your goals in writing. Commit to determining exactly what needs to get done and by when. Make sure your goals are ones that will have a meaningful impact on your results. Don’t waste your time and energy on low-priority goals.

2. Develop a detailed action plan. Once your goals are written, you will need to break them down into specific action steps or tasks. Be thorough in your planning and then transfer your action steps into your daily planning tool; whether that be a PDA, planner, computer or other time management system.

3. Set clear priorities using the 80/20 rule. Once you have set clear goals and determined the specific action steps, you need to determine the priorities of the tasks. By using the 80/20 rule, you can focus your energies on the 20% of activities that will yield 80% of the results. Rank your tasks relative to each other so you know what should be done first.

4. Use single-minded concentration on your most important task until it is done. Once you’ve figured out your priorities, you need to concentrate on the most important items. Block your time and eliminate distractions so you can give your most important task your undivided attention until it is complete. Then move on to the next item. Your ability to focus will determine your success.